It is separated from mainland by a causeway that begins in Turiguanó, which is north of Ciego de Avila and is famous for its lagoons, where trout fishing... - Your travel to Cuba!

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Destination: Cayo Guillermo, Ciego de Ávila

Cayo Guillermo, Ciego de Ávila

It is separated from mainland by a causeway that begins in Turiguanó, which is north of Ciego de Avila and is famous for its lagoons, where trout fishing and beautiful rural landscapes are the main attractions for tourists. Its territory boasts, among its major attractions, five kilometers of beautiful beaches, one of which, El Pilar, honors the yacht of same name that belonged to the famous US novelist Ernest Hemingway. Its dunes can reach up to 16 meters in height.

Hotel rates
Cayo Guillermo

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Where to stay?

Topcuba recommend

Iberostar Daiquirí Hotel Iberostar Daiquirí ****
It is found in the north keys of the Ciego de Avila province, exactly in Guillermo Key, located directly on a fine, sandy beach and surrounded by...
Villa Cojímar Villa Cojímar ***
Located on a small island known as Guillermo Key, north of Ciego de Avila province and accessible to the mainland by a gravel road.

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Best time to visit

December through April, is also the most popular time. The weather is at its coolest and driest during these months, yet it\'s still far warmer than North America and Europe.

In the spring and fall, it\'s off-seasons and this can mean fewer hotel amenities; some hotels may be closed entirely for repairs. There are, however, benefits to traveling in the off-seasons: lack of crowds and prices that tumble by up to 25%.

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