To the west of the city be placed the residential area of Miramar, which is also where most of the foreign companies that do business with Cuba have their... - Your travel to Cuba!

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Destination: Miramar, Ciudad de La Habana

Miramar, Ciudad de La Habana

To the west of the city be placed the residential area of Miramar, which is also where most of the foreign companies that do business with Cuba have their main offices. Here, too, you can see a scale model of the city, the International Conference Center, the Pabexpo fairgrounds and the exclusive Club Habana are other popular spots in this part of town.

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Hotel rates

Where to stay?

Topcuba recommend

Copacabana Hotel Copacabana ****
A seaside resort, in a residential area where companies and embassies are located, 12.4 miles (20 km) from the International Airport of Havana. It has...
Chateau Miramar Hotel Chateau Miramar ****
Located in the residential area of Miramar a few meters from the seaside in a area where most companies and corporations have their headquarters.

fromMore hotels in Miramar

Attractions you can visit

CategoryTopcuba recommend

  • Appealing SitesClub Habana
  • Appealing SitesCollege of Arts
  • InstitutionsLa Naturaleza y el Hombre Foundation Antonio Núñez
  • Appealing SitesScale Model of Havana

Best time to visit

December through April, is also the most popular time. The weather is at its coolest and driest during these months, yet it\'s still far warmer than North America and Europe.

In the spring and fall, it\'s off-seasons and this can mean fewer hotel amenities; some hotels may be closed entirely for repairs. There are, however, benefits to traveling in the off-seasons: lack of crowds and prices that tumble by up to 25%.

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