Click a topic below to quickly find the help you want.
Car Category
Select the car category you wants to rent. If you also need to review other categories to decide about the reservation, you can select several at the same time.
Pick-up place and dates
Indicate where and when you want to pick-up the car. You can indicate a place near a city, of an airport or in a hotel. Your reservation will be guaranteed until the date and time you set for pick-up the car.
Drop-off place and dates
Indicate where and when you will drop-off the car. If you wants to return the car at a different place where you pick-up it, select the place in the combobox. Also set the date and time for car drop-off.
Note: Additional charges can be applied if you choose to return the car in a different place. Overcharges can also be applied if you doesn't return the car in the date and time designated for drop-off. More information, will be provided in the booking page of the selected car.
Search results overview
Each search result typically includes:
Click the category name, photo, or "More details" to see additional information about a particular category. If you have entered pick-up and drop-off dates click "Rent" in the option that interests you.
Changing your search
Modify your search with the help of the "Your search " table in the left side of the search results. Select "Modify search" and change information in this table and click "Search" button. If you have not entered dates and would like to check actual rates for specific dates fill the "Pcik-up" and "Drop-off" boxes.
Viewing car category information
When you click an category name or "More details" on the Search results page, we will display information specific to that category. The information displayed include:
Rantal rates and booking table
This table show the reservation cost for the dates set by you. Also shown information about charges and services fees that you should pay in the rent office when picking up the car and are not included in the reservation. The days range is displayed at the top of the table, you can change this dates by click "Select new dates". For make the reservation click on "Rent" button.
Review the car details
Display information about the selected category. This information includes: Category name, Place, Dates and time for pick-up and drop-off, Car rental days. It can also indicate your favorite car if is possible to guarantee, however you should keep in mind that models of cars are not confirmed but categories.
Review the rate details
Display information for you car rental rates.
Review the services rules
Here the basic conditions for the service usage are described, however by email you will receive more information on this topic.
Personal information
To make effective the car reservation you may supply your personal information for our reservation agents. The personal information collect in this page will be protect according to our Privacy Statement.
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